Saturday, March 5, 2011

Words Mean Everything

Each night at bedtime we read our books, say our prayers, and then play the "I love you" game. It sounds a little something like this......

I love you to the moon and back

I love you as big as the moon and the tallest tower ever

Well, I love you bigger than the biggest moon in the universe

Well, I love you to the moon and back and over the biggest, hugest tower in all the world

Colby really would do this for 30 minutes If I allowed it to continue!

Then, comes my favorite part!

I curl up next to him and we get nose to nose and I recite.......

I'm so thankful God gave me you!

Without you what would I do?

You make me so happy, I love you!

He smiles and replies, "I'm tankful Dod dave me you too!"

It's definitely a memory I will carry in my heart forever, take it to the grave!

I often wonder, does Colby listen to me...I mean REALLY listen to me. Does he soak up all the advice that I try to instill in him.......will he use it to shape the man he will one day be or does it just go in one ear and out of the other?

Last night we laid in the bed and played the "I love you" game. I was so tired that I  began to drift off to sleep before our ritual was over, but I quickly felt Colby's breath on my face.

"Mommy, I'm so tankful Dod dave me you!"

"Me too sweetheart, without you what would I do, you make me so happy, I love you!"

Maybe it's because I'm preggo, but I teared up as I pulled him closer to me. My heart was overwhelmed with pure happiness!

HE DOES LISTEN! He obviously anticipates my words each night that solidifies....

He belongs

He is unconditionally loved

He is a gift from God

Just when I started thinking my words don't mean a thing..........he showed me they mean EVERYTHING!

                                              Until Next Time.......

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