Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Chasey Poo is half way to way!!

I can't believe my little Chasey Poo is already 6 months old. He is getting so big...not literally, he only weighs 16lbs (20%) and is 25 3/4 in (25%).

He doesn't let his small size slow him down in the least.......

He is sitting up great!! He finally realized to use his arm to shield his face from the floor!

He loves to stand up and hold on.....

and oh my.....we have a crawler!!

My life is about to get crazy busy!!

Chase is getting a little peach fuzz on the head but still nothing to write home about!! He is still holding onto the blues but so did Colby for 12 months before they turned green....we shall see!! I've been expecting a tooth, but his chompers still haven't made their appearance.

Words to describe Chase........happy, content, easy-going, and Mr. Smiley!! Notice I didn't mention good-sleeper...that he is not! He still wants to nurse several times a night and he takes three naps a day but only for 30 mins-1hr.  Oh Well....I can't have everything, and I should count my blessings that he is still super happy despite the lack of sleep!  After all, parenting is full-time, not just during the day when it's convenient and he obviously still needs me at night! I tried to put him on a schedule and persuade him he didn't need to nurse during the night and it back fired on me, my milk started drying can read about it here. So for now, I just feed on his cues and I haven't had anymore milk problems and my little man is one HAPPY CAMPER!!

He has a smile that goes on for miles :) !!

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