Friday, August 13, 2010

Surgery is Scheduled

Both my little munchkins are napping which leaves me nothing to do but sit on the computer. I can't make any noises whatsoever, they literally wake up if someone poots too loud.....your laughing, but I'm not kidding!

For the past 30 minutes I've been researching a condition that Chase has....undescending testicle. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, especially after I told myself to quit. I like the way my friend Crystal puts it.....ignorance is bliss! Sometimes it's easier just to not know some things, but that's extremely difficult for me! If the darn Internet didn't provide a vast amount of knowledge at my fingertips, I think I would be better off!

Did you notice Chase's testicles are a little unbalanced


Well, you will but don't's common

He has an undescending testicle that will probably drop on its on by 6 months of age


Yes, make sure you tell your pediatrician to keep a close watch on it


Not what you really want to hear the day your bundle of joy arrives, but if that's the only bad news then I'll count my Chasey Poo was healthy and perfect to me!

Well, sometimes things just don't go as we plan but it's always in God's hands. Chase is 6 months old and his testicle still hasn't dropped. We went to see a urologist yesterday and we didn't receive the news I was desperately craving. and dad,
I can feel the testicle up high but it definitely isn't going to come down on it's own so surgery is mandatory. I can feel it but I can't determine if it's abnormal or not. If it's abnormal then we will just remove it and if it's normal then I will bring it down in the scrotum. If I have to remove it, he will be just fine with one, and it won't affect fertility at all.

Gulp....hold back the tears, keep it together!

The first thing that came to mind was some mean bully giving him the nickname "Uno," but I kept my composure and asked the doctor, "what causes this to happen?" Is it something I did?  I've read that it can be caused by a hormonal imbalance from the mom during pregnancy......what exactly does that mean?

There are several things but there isn't anyway to pinpoint the exact cause. We think it can be caused from birth control being in the system (not my case) or from hormones in meat and dairy products, especially milk from cows that were given hormones. It can be how your body reacted to the hormones during pregnancy.

He mentioned several other causes that were over my head or maybe it was because my brain was going 90 to nothing thinking about all the non-organic milk I guzzled down for 9 months.

If you know me really well then you know exactly why this bothers me to no end!

I am very health conscious when it comes to the food that me and my family consume. We don't eat fast food, fried food, processed food, and water and milk are the only beverages in my fridge. I try to buy all-natural foods and organics but I didn't buy organic milk or meats when I was pregnant since we were on a tight budget, adjusting to one income. It kills me to think that Chase's situation might have been prevented if I had made better choices, but what really ticks me off is the ridiculous crap that is allowed in our food despite the evidence of side effects. Why is it allowed? Mass production for a money hungry world!! I'm not even getting started on that soap box!

Only 30% of boys get this condition and only 4% of those are full-term babies. It's common for preemies since the dropping takes place in the last few weeks of pregnancy. So what's the culprit that caused Chase to make up the 4%?????

I wish I had the answer.....or do I?

Is this how life with children will always be? If something isn't just as it should be, do we as mothers always blame ourselves? Question our actions? Analyze every situation? Play the what-if game?

Man....the pressure is on, huh?

Thank heavens I have a relationship with Christ who gives me guidance and peace, and reminds me to pray about everything and worry about nothing......ahhhhh what great advice!!

Chase has surgery Sept 28 and I pray that he comes out of surgery with two little buddies, but if he doesn't then that's okay worries!!!!

Who knew a glove could be so, I love that little guy with all my heart!!


Kosek Landing said...

Amanda...I have to not be so hard on yourself! In fact, don't be hard on yourself at all! You are an amazing mother that does everything for your children, and your family and Chase is going to be just fine. Do not play the what-if game with yourself, because it has no end and we could all sit around playing that game all day long and get no where. Let me know if you need me to keep Colby on the 28th, I'd be happy to.

Ashley said...

hey girl! seriously, it can't be helped. you can definitely just let this one go! poor little guy! i will be praying for him on the 28th. bradley's had to have surgery before. i know how hard it is on the mommy :(

MoDLin said...

Sorry to hear that Chase needs surgery. It isn't fun, but I have known of many little guys who have gone through this and have come out just fine and have absolutely no memory of it. I actually think it's far more traumatic for mom and dad.
I'll be thinking of you on Sept. 28th.

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