Monday, May 2, 2011

Baby Gender Reveal

The weather is beautiful, our resort is fabulous, and the boys are loving everything about their first trip to the beach!!!

I can't help but to think about what we will be doing this day next week, May 9th!!

We have decided to have a baby gender reveal party, and we are so pumped!!

Next time we vacation to the beach, will we return with all boys or a girl in the mix....we shall see?????

During the ultrasound we are going to have the tech write the gender in a sealed envelope and then we will deliver the results to a baker. If the the sex is a girl, the inside of the cake will be pink or blue if it's a boy! We will find out the big surprise with our dear family and friends!! The timing worked out perfect!! It's the day after we return home and it's been quit some time since Chris has seen any friends or family.....he is thrilled!

I'm sure there are people who think baby gender reveal parties are silly but HEY, WE ARE SILLY!! Anytime we can find an excuse to celebrate with friends and family...we jump on it!!  After all, we aren't having a baby shower for baby #3 so this will be our little celebration for our new bundle of joy!

To be honest, I had never heard of a baby gender reveal until a friend of mine encouraged me to have one. After searching for information, I realized it's quite the popular trend these days! Think about is way more fun than some stranger looking at a monitor and saying, "it's a boy/girl!"

We get to share this amazing moment with our loved ones instead.....I'm loving it!!

I decided at the last moment to have this grand reveal so I had to plan it in two days! We left for vacation and the party will be the day after our return!

I watched several YouTube videos and I'm such a big ole baby..... I cried on almost all of them, and I don't even know these people!

I got some great ideas from Hostess
and Supermom.......

She had someone put balloons in a box to reveal the gender....cute idea!

and I absolutely love Erica's idea of a craving spread......

I kinda threw it all together, but it doesn't matter that my decorations are tacky....who cares??

We are going to enjoy time with our favorites and find out if our future holds

Tea parties, laces
and baby doll faces

or another boy to contribute to the
yard work!

Either way, we are beyond blessed!!

Until Next Time..........


Ashley said...

So exciting!

Anna said...

Oh, I LOVE this idea! I can't wait to see your pictures from the party and to find out the gender of that sweet baby!

Kosek Landing said...

OMG..that video made me cry too! It also made me so excited for your reveal party! I can't wait!

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