Saturday, October 2, 2010

Take-Out Time-out

People are asking about Colby's Time-Out mat, so here you go.............

I heart the Take-Out Time-Out ROCKS!!!

Parenting experts strongly stress the importance of using a consistent time out location. Since the modern day parent is always on the go (ex. grocery store, playground, restaurant, pool, vacation, etc.), it is nearly impossible to be consistent. Non-consistent or improper use of the method is very common and can lead to great frustration for both the parent and child. It becomes frustrating for the parent due to lack of results. The child simply needs consistency. With TOTO, parents can be consistent and the success will be apparent.

Buy it here!!

It folds up very small and fits into a little carry bag and allows me to whip that bad boy out anytime he steps out of matter the location!! It really works well in public because he can't stand to miss out on any action!!

 Football Game

Until Next Time.............

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