Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Signing Benefits for Identifying Letters

Signing letters gives children the opportunity to learn letters easily. Colby is 24 months old and can identify A, B, E, J, K, O, P, T, U, & Z. The reason he can identify these letters is because these are the letters he can sign already. When a child signs a letter they are using all three types of learning;

Visual: they see their fingers make the letter or see it on the flashcard, paper, book etc.

Auditory: They hear the letter as they say it, as well as hearing you.

Kinesthetic: They are actually making the letter with their fingers

Children hear it..they forget it, See it..remember it, do it...understand it!!! Yes, children can learn their ABC's without signing the alphabet, but signing letters makes it easier and much more fun!

Colby signing letters

Colby identifying letters.....he doesn't do too well when the camera is on, but he did a few letters before having to play with the lion.

Learn to sign the alphabet


Kosek Landing said...

What a smart little cookie.

When I worked at the UAB Sparks Clinic (it was a diagnositic clinic) sign language was always our number one recommendation for parents who had children with language delays (of any kind).

I taught Kate a few signs. Thank you, more, please, sorry. It was more of a manners thing before she was verbal. Although it was only a few signs it seems to elicit early language development. Kate was an early talker, and I slacked off with continuing with the signs.

We have already started working on eat and more with Jack during feedings.

See you Saturday. Chris gave me the invite!

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