Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas with a REAL baby!

I'm one of those girls that were always baby crazy. I pretended all my baby dolls were real, and I dreamed of the day when I had a baby of my own. I always told my mom that I couldn't wait until I had a REAL baby and her response was always, " oh, yes you have no idea!" I guess that is an alarming comment to hear from your 9 year old daughter. I didn't understand how the baby was created, I just knew you got married and then POOF....God gave you a baby.

I started babysitting at 13, worked in a daycare in high school, was a nanny in college, and then became an elementary teacher.....I absolutely love being around children!!!

I always pictured what kind of mother I wanted to be

teach my child to walk with Jesus Christ

be the best example I can be.....children do as they see not as their told

always have a home of screaming, fighting, or spanking

lots of hugs, kisses, kind words, & attention

teach my child manners, obedience, discipline, responsibility, and generosity

There are so many more but these are the most important. I also imagined what certain events would be like and Christmas morning was at the top of the list. Last year Colby only cared about the boxes and paper but this year was everything I expected and then some! There isn't anything to describe seeing Christmas through the eyes of your child.

The way Colby would scream Tanta Claws ( Santa Clause) & Menmen (snowman) every time he saw one of them.

his enthusiasm when he talked about getting a four wheeler

him singing Happy Birthday to Colby and Jesus

him having to turn the tree on every single morning

him dancing to Rockin around the Christmas tree &

singing Christmas carols that he doesn't know one word to

him saying, WOW over and over when he saw what Santa brought him

okay, you get the point.

I'm just saying......Christmas has always been great, but when your blessed to share it with your very own REAL baby, it's amazing!

Christmas Eve with Gammy & Pawpaw Mike
Reading about the birth of Christ

Colby is a firework fanatic!

Colby got a book bag of year he might get a set of knives LOL!

The Aycock Family

My precious family

Christmas morning
If you see the present you got Colby for his birthday and your thinking
aw man Santa had already gotten him that toy.....your mistaken.
I know it sounds bad but he got so much for his birthday and he didn't remember once we got home so we hid some and put them out Christmas morning. We can't get away with this next year so we took advantage of it this year!

Colby on his new ride
Enjoying a book and hot chocolate after a ride in the freezing cold weather

Big mama cooking a breakfast bake
We were praying and Colby spotted Pawpaw Mike with his eyes open and quickly pointed to him and said, "pray". I guess Colby thinks it's okay to open his eyes if he is checking on others. Soooo, we had to start the prayer over and he was grinning from ear to ear because he caught Paw Paw Mike.

Santa caused a lot of excitement with the four-wheeler but we managed to get loaded up and on the road to Coach & JoJo's house (only because we promised he could ride again as soon as we arrived). He stayed in his PJ's and after reading his new favorite book (Thanks Kim) he snoozed the rest of the road trip.

But once we got there he was on it again

telling Coach night night

JoJo & Coach got him a tent & tunnel that he loves. I try to get in and play with him but he pushes me out saying, "no, no mommy out!" I guess I'm not cool enough to enter his fabulous tent.

Singing Christmas carols..............I'm not sure why he doesn't attempt real words when he sings but it's pretty hilarious.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and may God fill your 2010 with many blessings!


Kosek Landing said...

Loved the recap...Kate is also the prayer patrol when we are praying. She doesn't want others joining in and she will dicipline people who aren't praying appropriately. Kind of missing the point...oh well, it's cute (for now).

That four wheeler looks like so much fun! So funny that they make those things so small.

Random sidenote...I like those frames hanging over your couch. :)

colby said...

Thanks! I got the frames at Nebletts last Christmas.

Colby is bad about being the prayer patrol too. The other night he wouldn't let me stand up and pray, he made me get on my knees.

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