Monday, April 12, 2010

Escape Artist

Not only does Colby keep me busy busy busy with his hyper hyper hyper nature, but now I really have to be on my toes because he has become quite the escape artist.

My house is completely child proof from cabinet latches to child proof door knobs. At first I would just lock the dead bolt, but one day I was using the restroom and I heard the front door open. I assumed that a two year old couldn't open a dead bolt so the scary thought of someone coming in my home was the first thing that crossed my mind. I was 7 or 8 months pregnant and quickly jumped up, ran to the door while pulling up my pants and was ready to attack an intruder to save my child.....I know my pregnant self could have done some serious damage, right? need to worry about an intruder when I realized Colby was running full speed down the road as if he just realized he was late for a very important date.  Needless to say I went to Walmart that day and purchased these to go on all the door knobs.

I thought I was in the clear and I assured myself I had Colby captive in our home. Think again's Colby we are talking about!! I was cooking dinner and heard a child-like noise come from the front yard really close to my dining room window. When I went to look out the window to see why in the world a child was in our flowerbed, low and behold it was my child...he punched out the screen and climbed right out of the window.  The second time I caught him in the act....all I saw was his little feet dangling from the inside of the window. see what I mean when I say I have my hands full with this little guy, but I thank God for him everyday because he is definitley my heart!!!

His escape shinanagins doesn't end at our house. No, that would be too easy! Colby has to always take it one step further. I'm still getting use to taking two tots out at the same time so my lack of experience plays a role in this event. I took them to Chik-fi-la for lunch and let Colby play....not a good day since there was a birthday party on a Monday at 11:00 (who would have thought, right?). So, there were 10 or so little kiddos running and playing in that tiny play area.....madness I tell you, madness!

Colby always slides down and quickly runs to the top again to not waste a minute on downtime. A few minutes went by and he didn't slide down so I began to call his name but no answer. I sent a little girl up to see if she saw a little blond-hair boy with a blue shirt on and she confirmed he was playing up at the top. Okay, good...I sat back down and entertained Chase. A few more minutes went by and still no Colby...I really began to worry. Several ridiculous mommy thoughts went through my head

  He is stuck and scared
  There is another child up there bullying him
  He has passed out from exhaustion

none of these are an option

Colby is fearless of everything...unfortunatley
He would scream if someone was mistreating him
and he never gets tired

Now I'm really concerned and use the "Colby come down, I have a sucker" trick!
When he didn't respond to the sucker trick, I knew something was terribly wrong. Right as I was about to climb to the top while holding baby Chase, a lady ran in and said, "isn't that your little boy with blond hair and blue shirt?"
"yes, he is up there and won't come down", I answered.
"No, he is out here" she replied

What? Oh my! Where?
I find Colby sitting in a booth all by himself indulging in a brownie that he stole from the counter.

Me: Colby, you don't leave and come out here by yourself.
Colby: hey mommy, I eat choc ca (chocolate)!!
Me: Where did you get that?
Colby: up there (while pointing to the counter).
Me: you can't just take things and you can't go off by yourself
Colby: otay mommy

How do you explain to a 2 year old that it's dangerous and someone could take can''s impossible! I just have to be on high alert all the time because he has no fear.

Now...let me just make this even more comical!

Today we went to Pump It Up and as I was telling Sarah and Ashley about the Chik-fil-a incident, the Pump It Up worker interupted my story to inform me that she stopped Colby from going out of the front door and into the parking lot (if you have been there then you know the front door is no where near the play arena) embarassing!!

I had literally just checked on him a few seconds before, and I figured he was in the obstacle course and I couldn't see him...afterall what child tries to leave Pump it Up and by the way, they need childproof doors.

So if you ever see Colby running down the street or aimlessly roaming by himself....

Meals for Busy Moms

I've made a goal to try 3 new recipes a week so I will start sharing which ones are worthy of your time! If you like quick & easy then you will like any recipe I choose to share!

Not Healthy at all......but very yummy!
A Tasty Recipe: Individual Scalloped Potatoes with Ham!

Healthy & Yummy
Mushroom Spinach Calzone

My Boys

Colby (2) Chase (2 1/2 months)

Colby was showing off Daddy's medal he won in his race Saturday!
Run From The Sun
10th out of 385
1st in age group


Anna said...

Wow! I could imagine that that is scary!

But this definitely makes for a comical story! :)

Ashley said...

not to mention, after that, he escaped from my house TWICE! once when the cleaner man was telling me not to wrinkle justin's collar...i was like "Forget the collar! Grab that kid!" then he unlocked the deadbolt from my back door!

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