Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tank You Jesus

lately Colby is becoming my best buddy! I've been amazed at how much he is becoming a little boy. I now have someone to have a conversation with all day and he keeps me laughing....he has the cutest sense of humor!

Last night he was trying to convince me he wasn't sleepy and he needed to watch Thomas the Train just one time. We only let him watch TV in the morning and he knows that so he was really working hard to plead his case!

Colby was helping Chase with tummy time and of course had to demonstrate.

He loves his little brother.....he even has to check on him while he is sleeping. He tries to wake him up every time he is napping. If Chase makes the slightest sound (literally breath hard) he runs to the monitor and says, "mommy, baby Chase is up!"

We have prayed with Colby every night before bed since he was born...you can never start too early, huh? Well, a few weeks ago he started naming people he wanted to pray for but tonight he actually said his first prayer. He put his little hands together, closed his eyes, and said,
"tank you Jesus for leing me help PawPaw Mike with da pool"

and thank you Jesus for this precious moment!

1 comment:

Kosek Landing said...

That is quite a tummy time contraption!

The prayers just get better and better. Last night Kate said, "...and thank you for my sweet Mommy," then she brushed a piece of my hair out of my face (like I always do to her). Tear! (or 10)

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