Monday, April 20, 2009

Colby Reading at 16 Months

If you remember several months ago I realized that Colby was reading a few words on his signing flash cards. He would love for me to hold up a card and he would show me the sign but he got to the point where he was kinda bored with doing the flashcards. I never want anything to feel like work so we didn't do the flashcards anymore. I wasn't even sure if he could still recognize the words or not. Well, today he brought me the cards so I held them up and covered up the picture, and he read every card I showed him. Right before bedtime he started to do it again so Chris grabbed the camera and got a few. I still can't believe it! It's just the results of signing.

Like Father Like Son
Chris is the biggest neat-freak ever! Not saying it in a negative way because I have actually come to love this trait of his, especially when he does the cleaning. It use to bother me because I thought it wasn't as important as he made it out to be. Through prayer and patience, God showed me it's not for me to question or try to change but it's my responsibility to make him happy. So, I try really hard to keep the house clean all the time. A lady at my bible study said, "treat your man like a king and he will treat you like a princess". I have to repeat that over and over because I'm not a big fan of cleaning, hehe!

Anyway, I didn't mean to ramble off subject. My point was that Colby is just like his father. He is obsessed with the broom, vacuum, swifter, mop, etc. He even likes to get a rag and wipe up spills. The other day he sat on the potty and pooped a tiny terd and said he was all done ( I had a feeling he wasn't). So, while I was dumping and cleaning his potty he went to the kitchen to finish pooping ( sound familiar) and I found him sweeping up his poop. Yes, it was a lovely sight and it was soooo much fun cleaning up!

Every time I get the vacuum out he signs "help" because he wants to help me.

Chris and Colby are like peanut butter & jelly. Chris can't stand to be away from him and as soon as he walks in the door every afternoon he doesn't stop playing with Colby until he tells him night night. Chris is the dad that I always prayed for, and I thank God every night for such a blessing.

eating dinner outside

They will do this for 45 minutes, I kid you not.

1 comment:

Amanda Smith said...

That was sweet! Carsyn likes to clean too- I watered the plants the other day and she ran in to get a rag to clean up the overspill! HA HA! I want to see Kidfest pictures! OH and text me your cell because I lost all of my numbers! :)

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