Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Enjoy The Journey

Our day started early since Colby had a dentist appointment at 9:00 am, and the drive is 40 minutes. Mornings like this I have to hit the ground running..........

Once the boys are fed, dressed, and buckled into their car's a ahhhhhhh moment! Not only do I feel accomplished but it's a break since I actually get to sit down for longer than 5 minutes! On the drive over, I was jamming out to KLove for a blissful change......we have had The Wheels On The Bus on repeat for some time now, courtesy of Colby!

Let me just say I love me some KLove, I mean really loooooooove! It's so encouraging and can always turn a bad day around! This particular morning there was a mommy describing her morning of getting her three young boys in the car. One was screaming, one was in the road, and the third had disappeared. She described how everyday tasks can be emotionally overwhelming, but when she feels these emotions about to erupt in rage, she repeats to herself.....


What great advice! After she shared her story, a father called in and said he had a vivid flashback of her crazy scenario that had played out many times when his boys were tots. His youngest son is now 18 and about to be deployed and he said....

I agree, enjoy the journey while you can!!

So, I'm taking the advice and putting it to good use!! When Colby dumps all the goldfish on the floor or unrolls all the toilet paper to see if it will all flush down the's not going to ruffle my feathers, I'm going to

Enjoy The Journey!

Chase's journey at this moment consist of jabbering all the time and trying to walk at 7 months......yes, I produce very busy boys!! Don't turn me into DHS when you see Colby tackle Chase in the was an accident!!

I hope Chase Enjoys The Journey with his wild brother!!!

Until next Time................


Alicia said...

Amen.. that is great advice. I try to remind myself all the time to Enjoy the Journey because they'll be grown and gone way to fast!! A co worker and I were just talking about that today!

Leslie said...

So funny that you posted this!! Monday, I had an appt at 9, so I was riding in my car at the exact same time, listening to KLove too! Oh, and don't forget one of the boys was taking their clothes off as she was trying to get to church on time, ha! I get so emotional about this topic, because I know in the blink of an eye William will be all grown up with a family of his own, and I will be thinking about the times when he was a baby. All the times when I wish he would stop whining, or the days when I'm so tired that I bedtime can't come fast enough, or just days when I feel like I'm the worst mom in the day I will long for "the good ole days". My husband thinks I'm crazy, but we moms know. You have to read this blog post's perfectly describes how we "will miss this". Hope you have a wonderful week of enjoying your little guys : )

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