Monday, June 7, 2010

The Seven Year Itch......Not Here!

I can remember it like yesterday.....

I was sitting in Spanish class, first day of freshmen year and in walked the new kid. He was shy so I felt the urge to approach him and introduce myself.

HEY, I'm Amanda

Hey, Chris

Are you Coach Jones's son


I thought so, nice to meet you

Years later Chris told me his first impression was....
wow...she is really loud....and kinda scary!!

What he really meant was....

man, love at first sight

I've got to marry her one day!!

I guess I wasn't as scary as my first impression since we instantly became best friends! He was the kind of friend that you adored and never got on your nerves! He let me copy all his work in History and he even let me use his hand to sleep on...... I thought it made the perfect pillow. He later told me that his hand went numb one day causing him severe pain but he didn't won't to wake little Romeo! He practically lived at my house, and I loved his company so much that I encouraged him not to date anyone since I wanted all his time devoted to me.....sorry Crystal! Hello, red flag...... I should have realized I was in love but it took me three years to admit it and to risk our friendship.

My besties tried to play match maker....

you two should totally date

he is soooo cute

Chris is so in love with you

he would be the best boyfriend (unlike the one you have)

Despite all the good advice, I was hesitant.

One day I was in tears after an ugly encounter with the boyfriend and Chris seized the moment with........
"You deserve better than that, but you won't give me a chance!"
I did give him a chance and our first date was a movie and ice cream, and I'll just say he had me at HELLO!!

Our last high school summer was full of mushy love stuff and we started our senior year as love birds!!
I can't express how thankful I am that God led me to give Chris the chance that changed my life forever.

He proposed when we were only nineteen and we tied the knot at 21.....yes, we were entirely too young. Not only were we young but we were broke as a joke. We were both still in college with a campus job and a nanny job.....we were bringing in the big bucks! Thank goodness the cafeteria worker had a crush on Chris which allowed him to load up his plate and bring me dinner. We lived in a rat hole apartment that was mold infested. The rats were so big they would knock my shampoo bottles over in the bathtub and scare the bejesus out of us! We eventually had to move once the mold started eating our furniture.

Oh my.....we really were living on love.

We went through some difficult times but also the best of times and we used the good and bad to make our marriage what it is today.............. A TEN!!

I guarantee that we'll have tough times and I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life cause I know in my heart you're the only 1" -Runaway Bride-

It took us four years to start a family and Colby Michael Jones made it all worth the wait!!

and then we blinked and Christopher Chase made us a family of four.

I count my blessings every day for a husband that I still have a crush on and for the amazing children that God and our love have brought into our life!

I've always heard about the 7 year itch, but I can honestly say........ I love him more now than ever and there is no itching going on in our house!

We went on an anniversary date but with two small kiddos, date night takes on a new meaning. I was excited just to take off my nursing bra and maternity panties.....isn't that awful!
I have to put Chase to bed so we couldn't leave until he was snoozing which didn't give us much time for dinner since our movie started at 7:25.
We had about 30 minutes to spare so we ate at Mugshots since it's walking distance to the theater. It wasn't Parker House but it was a peaceful meal with my honey! Our conversation was only interrupted by the waiter not "mommy mommy mommy!!!"

We made happy plates and then made our way over to see Letters to Juliet......very romantic movie! I'm sure Chris would have chosen Robinhood but he wanted to make me happy.....have I mentioned how much I love him!!

We had to make a pit stop before the show....
just another reason why I love my

Happy 7th anniversary, I love you Chris!!


Kosek Landing said...

Happy Anniversary you crazy love birds! Loved the old pictures! Those are so great. You are inspiring me to dig into the archives. I will need a scanner to get those dinosaur pictures onto the blog.

We celebrate our 7th on August 2nd.

Amanda Jones said...

HA! I have some great pics of us together in high school but i don't have a scanner. the only reason I had those is because someone just posted them on facebook!

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